


南華大學配合政府新南向政策,及教育部為增進我國大學校院或民間團體開拓與新南向國家的實體 教育交流, 建立雙邊教育合作平台,以深化雙方多元互動及連連結關係。

「印度台灣文化交流聯誼會」之目的,依據南華大學台灣連結計畫第二項開展多元形式的雙向交流 與合作模式,第五條建立印度在臺各大學院校之留學之學位生或短期交換生之校友聯誼活動為活動宗旨。 故訂於106年8月26日於印度德里大學舉辦「印度臺灣文化交流聯誼會:印度場」活動。



Secretary ,TECC, I. T. Chen speaking about opportunity in Taiwan.

Prof. Chueming, welcoming and addressing all the guests.

Prof. Bikshu Satyapala talking about role of discipline in life.

Dr. Rana Pursottam Singh from Nava Nalanda Mahavihar talking about the benefit of learning in Taiwan.

Nava Nalanda Mahavihar Department of Pali Assistant Prof. Dr. Rana Purushottam Kumar Singh

Prof. Dr. Rana Purushottam Kumar Singh(左)與 Prof. Dr.Bhikshu Satyapala(右)

All the participants of interaction for group photo session.

Taiwanese Teachers from Taiwan Education Centre teaching in Amity University, O.P Jindal Global University.

Participants interacting with each other at tea.

Discussion about the future cooperation between Nava Nalanda and Nanhua University.